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Dallas Silversmiths
11126 Shady Trail #113
Dallas, Texas, 75229
Antique Restoration
422 Singleton Blvd
Dallas, Texas, 75212
(214) 742-1222
Daubitz & Son Upholstery Inc.
914 Pollard St
Dallas, Texas, 75208
(214) 748-3551
Bame Chris Restorations
2650 Lombardy Ln
Dallas, Texas, 75220
(214) 357-9369
Dallas Caning and Supplies
3756 Dunhaven Rd
Dallas, Texas, 75220
Whimsey Shoppe
2923 N Henderson Ave
Dallas, Texas, 75206
(214) 824-6300
Davis Restorations Company
9982 Monroe Dr
Dallas, Texas, 75220
(214) 351-6683
Lovefield Antiques
6500 Cedar Springs
Dallas, Texas,
(214) 357-6500
Tic Toc Clock Shop
9219 Garland Rd
Dallas, Texas, 75218
(214) 321-9331
Art Restoration Inc
7803 Inwood Rd
Dallas, Texas, 75209
(214) 350-0811
My Second Chance Inc
434 W Kiest Blvd
Dallas, Texas, 75224
(214) 374-1104
Noles Davis Antique Restoration
2707 Manor Way
Dallas, Texas, 75235
(214) 358-1731
Kimberly Jayne Gray Antiques
1205 Slocum Street
Dallas, Texas, 75207
(214) 752-8855
Esmaili Rugs & Antiques Inc
1500 HI Line Dr
Dallas, Texas, 75207
(214) 651-7847
Ball L B Refinishing
3137 Casino Dr
Dallas, Texas, 75224
(972) 283-8306
Barfield & VanDerHider's
1430 Dragon St # 23
Dallas, Texas, 75207
(214) 741-1001
Copper Lamp
5500 Greenville Avenue suite 912
Dallas, Texas,
(214) 369-5166
Classic World Imports
915 Slocum St
Dallas, Texas, 75207
(214) 658-9012
Century Modern
2928 Main Street
75226, Texas, 75226
Antique on the Boulevard
3911 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, Texas, 76107-3357
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